4+1 taxi runs over traffic cop, students

MASERU – A 4+1 passenger vehicle on Monday this week ran over a traffic police officer and three students, one from Tholoana-ea-Bophelo Primary School and two from New Millennium International School while crossing the Main South I near Ha Tsautse. The accident reportedly occurred at around 0730hrs, on a Monday that marked the re-opening of schools after the long winter break which commenced in May and June. The policeman was on duty assisting the learners to cross the road during the morning rush hour.
According to the police spokesperson, Senior Superintendent Mpiti Mopeli, the taxi driver was driving at high speed which later resulted in thie accident. The Tholoana-ea-Bophelo pupil suffered a broken thigh during the accident, while the other victims sustained minor injuries on their feet and were discharged from hospital the same day. Mopeli further told Public Eye that all the victims were rushed to Makoanyane Military Hospital.
Reports have also revealed that the affected students are now in stable condition and are recovering well. In an interview on Thursday this week, ’Mamolao Lenela, the principal at Tholoana-ea-Bophelo said they were saddened by this incident as it has left students in great shock. Lenela further blasted the 4+1 driver for reckless driving, and further appealed to parents to opt for use of school buses for transportation of pupils from home and to school. This, she said, as she believes it will curb the road accidents.
In addition, reports have stated that that students using public transport do encounter many challenges which acts as a predicament in regard to their well learning process. Again, she also said that they plead with the government to help them by implementing the speed humps at Ha Kou crossing area. Reports have revealed that week in and week out there are accidents occurring at Ha Kou crossing area. It is said that just two weeks ago, two young children were hit by a car, and in this incident one died while the other became disabled.