LCA Chief Regulatory Officer resigns

MASERU – Lesotho Telecommunications Authority (LCA) Chief Regulatory Officer, Moshoeshoe Ntaote, has resigned. Ntaote and three other senior LCA officers face disciplinary action over suspected financial misconduct, and was expected to appear for a hearing on August 25 at the Authority’s headquarters in Maseru, to answer four charges related to breach of company rules.
Among other, he is alleged to have, on or around November 20, 2018, arranged for an unduly authorized payment of M116 738 to himself without ministerial approval, and paying himself a monthly acting allowance as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to the tune of M38 912 in December 2018, January 2019, February 2019 and March 2019 – cumulatively M272 390 from September 2018 to March 2019 while knowing that ministerial consent was not provided.
Ntaote was appointed acting CEO of the LCA by ‘Maseribane from September 1, 2018, to March 31, 2019, by communications minister Chief Thesele ‘Maseribane succeeding Tšeliso ‘Mokela whose contract came to an end on August 31, 2018. Ntatoe is further accused of arranging to have himself and another employee, M Mochebelele, simultaneous acting allowances for the same position of CEO for the period October 28 to November 18, 2018 while he attended the Plenipotentiary Conference PP-18 in Dubai.
“Kindly be advised that I hereby resign with immediate effect due to your unacceptable actions towards me,” Ntatote said in a brief letter to LCA CEO ‘Mamarame Matela Lechesa. The LCA is a statutory body established in June 2000, and mandated to regulate the country’s communications sector.