Majoro dispels rumours
Maseru – The Office of the Prime Minister yesterday released a statement dispelling rumours that Prime Minister Dr Moeketsi Majoro was personally involved in the purchase of antigen test kits.
The accusations stem from a debit order that has been circulating on different social media platforms from one local supplier, Green Leaves Medical Supplies, detailing the purchase of antigen test kits.
Previously, a South African supplier delivered 50 000 kits twice and a third consignment of 100 000 kits before it was decided local suppliers should also get an opportunity. This is how Gree Leaves Medical Supplies came in to supply 100 000 test kits.
“The tender panel from the Prime Minister`s office (not the Prime Minister himself) then awarded the tender to a local company to supply 100 000 kits to the ministry of health,” the letter read.
The purchase order in circulation purportedly reflects the sale of the kits that were supplied by the local company.