Vodacom launches financial services division

Mabeleme Mokete
Maseru – Leading cellular services provider Vodacom Lesotho today announced the launch of VCL Financial Services as a culmination of the continued growth of their M-pesa services.
Though independent, the company is still owned by Vodacom Lesotho. VCL Financial Services was authorised by the Central Bank and the entity will now be a licenced financial services provider fully owned by Vodacom Lesotho
VCL Financial services head Miss Palesa Mphunyetsane said this new huge step VLC has taken will be of great help to Basotho in solving societal challenges regarding payments and collections.
“Our focus will be on savings and investments; lending solutions for individuals and small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs). Wealth management; payments and collections; and the digitisation of services. From a customer point of view, all branding, support structures, contacts and infrastructure will remain the same,” Mphunytsane said.