5 win in King’s birthday messages


By Maneo Ralebitso

Manager, Royal Archives and Museum

MASERU – On Monday, July 22, 2019, five Basotho were each awarded M300.00 shopping vouchers from ECONO FOODS.

These were the first five lucky Basotho drawn from the five books of messages to celebrate His Majesty King Letsie III’s 56th birthday.

On July 9, the Royal Archives and Museum (RAM) Board, in association with Sports 24/7, launched an initiative aimed at contributing to the celebration of His Majesty King Letsie III’s 56th birthday.

The Chairperson of the RAM board, Associate Professor Tefetso Mothibe, noted as a royal heritage preservation institution, they decided to embark on this journey upon learning that Basotho are hardly presented with an opportunity to wish His Majesty King Letsie III well on his birthday.

He noted this was a pilot initiative from which the Centre would continue to learn and improve on. Prof. Mothibe further highlighted that it was important that these wishes are collected, documented and preserved for posterity.

There were two ways through which Basotho were provided an opportunity to write their wishes for the King.

The first was through books placed at the following public places: Pioneer Mall, Jet Stores (Carlton Centre), KFC (NRH Mall), Captain Doregos (Cathedral Area) and ECONO FOODS.

At each of the designated places, Basotho were asked to write their names and contact details, their messages and their signatures.

The books were available from July 15 to 19, 2019. They will be presented to Their Majesties before they are taken to the Royal Archives for preservation.

The second initiative, which is valid until July 31, 2019 at midnight, is through sending birthday wishes by SMS to 32021, available on local networks only, with SMSes charged at M2.00 each.

The SMS proceeds will go towards the growth of the Royal Archives and Museum.

The five lucky winners won through a draw conducted on Saturday, July 20, 2019 at ECONO FOODS premises.

A single winner was drawn from each of the five books in this first stage of the initiative.

They were Mahabure Seporo (Jet Stores), Tlhako Mohapi (ECONO FOODS), Rabati Akhosi (Captain Doregos), Rapelang Ncheke (KFC NRH Mall) and Nancy Matane (Pioneer Mall).

The winners unanimously expressed how they could not believe that they have won.

The second stage will see the presentation of M300 worth of shopping vouchers will be held in the first week of August 2019 where a draw for 15 lucky Basotho who have send their birthday wishes through SMSes will be held.

The initiative is a testimony of how the private sector and private citizens can contribute to the preservation and promotion of Lesotho’s heritage.

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