Govt has capitulated to corruption, says Mokhothu
MASERU – The Leader of Opposition, Mathibeli Mokhothu, says it is perplexing that the current government, which won popular vote in the last elections on an anti-corruption ticket, has surrendered to corrupt practices that are drying government coffers.
Speaking to Public Eye after Wednesday’s 2020/2021 budget speech by the finance minister Dr Moeketsi Majoro, Mokhothu noted in his entire speech the minister did not even mention the word corruption once, “an indication that they don’t intend to pursue the crusade any further, they have surrendered.”
“The budget is intended to improve the lives of the people and have a worthwhile budget we have to look into the amount of money that goes into development, in this budget recurrent budget far exceeds capital budget, maybe threefold. This puts the economy under stress and is dangerous,” he pointed out.
The Democratic Congress Leader also noted that Dr Majoro failed to outline any progress made in reaching target set in the previous year’s budget, and that though he hinted at some al lot have been totally removed.