AD deplores grabbing of equipment by govt officials

Maseru – The Alliance of Democrats (AD) has expressed concern over allegations that Minister of Agriculture Tefo Mapesela had unprocedurally sold agriculture equipment worth M11 million to himself, some of his fellow ministers, Principal Secretaries, the Speaker of the National Assembly Sephiri Motanyane and to the President of the Senate ’Mamonaheng Mokitimi.
Cabinet is said to have made a decision that only local farmers should benefit from the sale of such equipment but high ranking government officials had taken advantage of their positions to help themselves to the equipment which was allegedly sold at a subsided price.
According to a statement by AD, the ministry of agriculture announced and published a list of items available for sale to the public.
AD faulted the announcement which it said did not align with government procurement regulations, adding the decision and announcement by the ministry does not align with good governance.
Loopholes have created an opportunity for ministers to grab an opportunity meant to benefit the general public.
AD has, as result, made a plea to the Directorate on Corruption and Economic Offence (DCEO), the Auditor General, the Parliament of Lesotho and the Lesotho Mounted Police Services (LMPS) to investigate the stipulated crimes and further ensure appropriate lawful penalty towards the subjects in question.