Actor sees progress on acting

MASERU – Aspiring lone-act comedian Setona Mofammere popular in entertainment circles as Stona Madala laments that acting Lesotho does not pay well despite being loved.
The now father of two who has been acting since high school days in 2007, says the 12 year acting ‘trial and error’ is just now growing into a trade he can rely on to take care of his family with the talent.
Mofammere, 30, from Khubetsoana, Berea went to Tsepo Primary School and he grow up in Koalabata.
Now he is a married man with two children.
Mofammere says he had always liked watching television dramas and adds that from when he was in Form B at Mount Royal High School, Leribe in 2007 he always acted during the school entertainment performances or celebrations.
This is where his thought that perhaps he could be comedian was born.
So acting for him started as a hobby aimed at entertaining people but later he realised that it could actually put food on the table. He then opted to do acting seriously from Form E.
He says the first time when he started acting it was difficult for him to write his script, so he copied it from watching drama on tv.
When time went on he says, “I realized that I became able to write my own script”.
That is when he formed the two-man group Khetho eaka ea Nqeta with friend Gerard Tlali who already had the requisite equipment and the same level of passion for acting.
Tlali was already into acting then.
The duo then took on stge names Virus for Setona nad Antivurus for Tlali who has since become a co-comedian whose work is to neuttralise whatever ‘offensive thing’ Stona could say in front of audiences.
Mofammere is now able to support his wife and kids from the money he collects from the sell-out of the copies.
“The competition is very high,” says Mofammere.
In 2015 they released their debut public Act ‘Ea e baka taba Poli’ which was followed by ‘Khetho ea ka ea Nqeta’ their second in 2016.
Then came Sources and Solutions – their first long act in 2018.
This year they are working on ‘the Chosen Prophet’ which he believes will be released as the fourth later in the year.
His drama teaches young generations to know how to do things themselves.
The greatest challenge has remained finances despite making what he believes people appreciate.
The aspiring actor says local celebrated comedian Makhubelu inpsires him a lot adding he believe Makhubelu who is making great waves in local entertainemnt cirlces is loved by people from rural areas to cities.
Mofammere wants his drama to play internationally which exploit, he laments is not yet possible due to lack of finances.